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Create New Page

To create a new page using the Wonted theme, follow these steps:

  1. Go to “Pages” and click on “Add New.”
  2. If you want to create a standard page, simply add your content in the content area and then publish your page. However, we offer various customization options for each page:
    • Layout: You can choose between two layout options – “Container” or “Full Width.” “Container” displays your content within a defined container, while “Full Width” stretches it across the entire screen. Typically, when using our sections through shortcodes, blocks, or Elementor widgets, you should select “Full Width” for them to display properly.
    • Header: In the “Header” tab, you can set specific header options for individual pages. This includes selecting a unique menu to display or making changes to colors and backgrounds.
    • Sidebars: If you’ve chosen the “Container” layout and want to showcase a custom sidebar, you can manage all the related options in this tab.
    • Slider/Hero: This section allows you to feature a hero/slider at the top of your page. If you select “No slider,” the page title bar will be displayed by default. You can configure various aspects of the hero/slider in other tabs. If you choose “Hero Slider,” you can pick a hero layout that you’ve created in the Hero Sections post. Alternatively, you can use a custom shortcode, such as one from Revolution Slider or any other third-party slider.
    • Page Title Bar: Configure specific options for the page title bar. By default, it will inherit settings from the Wonted theme options.
    • Content: The “Content” option lets you fine-tune the settings related to the content part of the page.
    • Footer: Use this part to choose whether to display or hide specific footer elements for individual pages.

These customization options provide you with the flexibility to create pages that suit your unique requirements and design preferences.

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